
Hand-woven Rebozo, circa 1910

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Maxi Dressing for Summer

Some like it hot. Dahlias and zucchini thrive in the heat. But when the mercury tops ninety degrees here in Oregon, a bit of relief is in order. During the hottest of summer days, nothing is more comfortable than a breezy sundress. Feel the tropical spirit in Joaquina's batik maxidress. Made of soft, 100% cotton for airy breathability, this long, colorful frock with bursts of fuchsia, violet, aqua, teal, and a dab of marigold is like the sunset on a Caribbean beach.  With an empire-style bodice and a side zipper, our maxi is easy to slip into. You'll stay elegantly cool at a garden party, wedding reception, or any outdoor occasion that calls for glasses of mint juleps. Do you hear ice cubes clinking?